Tip0=For additional information about Swat 4 please visit http://www.swat4.com
Tip1=If you make a new map, you must choose "Level Properties" from the "View" menu, and set the "Label" field to the name of your map, plus set all the sub-fields in the "LevelSummary" field.
Tip2=Grouping meshes and brushes together can make it easier to manage and view your level.
Tip3=Officer AIs in the game move from left stackup points to right clear points and vice versa.
Tip4=You can set a mesh to be used as cover by enemy AIs by setting the IsCoverForAIs flag to True in the meshes properties.
Tip5=In order to have AI officers in your map you must place Officer Start points which can be found in the class browser.
Tip6=If you have just changed lighting use the "Build Changed Lighting" button on the toolbar to quickly see the changes.
Tip7=Use the Duplicate function (CTRL-W) to quickly copy and paste a mesh or brush.
Tip8=Use the comma key to show/hide AI pathfinding paths in the active viewport.
Tip9=Use the period key to show/hide AI pathnodes in the active viewport.
Tip10=Use the m key to show/hide AI pathfinding paths when doors are open to the right.
Tip11=Use the n key to show/hide AI pathfinding paths when doors are open to the left.
Tip12=All pathnodes must have a RoomName in order for AIs to function properly.
Tip13=Use the / key to show/hide pathnode RoomNames in the active viewport.
Tip14=You can change the initial facing of a character by rotating the spawner or startpoint.
Tip15=To get an officer AI to follow a particular path to a clear point use ClearRoute points.
Tip16=You can change how far an officer throws a grenade into a room by changing the LeftAdditionalGrenadeThrowDistance and/or the RightAdditionalGrenadeThrowDistance properties on the door.
Tip17=Use AlternateStackup points to get officers to stack up differently on a door that is open towards them.
Tip18=Use the InitialPosition property on doors to set whether the door starts closed, open to the left or open to the right.
Tip19=Setting bIsLocked to True on a door makes the door start locked when the level begins.
Tip20=Place a GenericDoor_NoDoor from the Class browser if you want a doorway that doesn't have a door.
Tip21=To place all of the breakable and destructible objects you must open the SwatDesignerClasses package in the class browser. Then you must place the objects from this package.
Tip22=To place a door, open the SwatDesignerClasses package in the class browser and select the door you wish to use in the NavigationPoint section of the class browser.
Tip23=Use staticmeshes instead of BSP brushes wherever possible to improve performance.
Tip24=Always keep the Toggle Grid Snap button active when moving BSP brushes.
Tip25=You can add many useful objects to your level by right clicking in a viewport and choosing from the menu.
Tip26=You can snap a staticmesh to the grid by clicking the "Show Large Vertices?" button the viewport's toolbar, selecting a mesh, and then right clicking on a vertex.
Tip27=To improve editor performance you can set the 3D viewport to Textured or Perspective view using the buttons on the viewports toolbar.
Tip28=The "Depth Complexity" view shows you how expensive a view is to render. The more yellow and red the lower the framerate will be in that area.
Tip29=Be sure to properly zone and antiportal your level to improve performance.
Tip30=Turning on "Realtime Preview" in a viewport will display changes as they happen instead of when you next select the viewport. Turning this on can slow down the performance of the editor.
Tip31=To add a staticmesh to the level select a mesh in the Staticmesh Browser. Then right click in a viewport and select "Add Staticmesh:[Name of mesh]".
Tip32=If you are just moving pathnodes use the "Rebuild Pathfinding" button on the toolbar. This will just reprocess pathfinding making for a quicker build time.
Tip33=Hit F4 to see the properties of the selected Staticmesh.
Tip34=Hit F5 to see the surface properties of the selected BSP face.
Tip35=If unsure of what a property does hit the ? that appears on the right when you highlight the property. This should display a description of the property.
Tip36=Use the SpawnIncapacitated field in a spawner if you want the character to spawn in a incapacitated state.
Tip37=Every room must have a flee point for enemy AIs to use. Enemy AIs move to flee points when fleeing from SWAT or barricading themselves in a room.
Tip38=The ShouldCrouchAtPoint property of a Flee point tells the AI to crouch at that location when they flee there. This is great for flee points behind low cover like a bar or sofa.
Tip39=If you want an object to not block players but still block bullets set bBlockActors, bBlockNonZeroExtentTraces, and bBlockPlayers all to False in the Collision section of the properties.
Tip40=To get officers to use flashlights in a room place a ZoneInfo into the zone and set bUseFlashlights to True in the ZoneInfo's properties.
Tip41=Meshes displayed in teal blue are static objects and meshes displayed in dark blue are dynamic objects. The more dynamic objects in a view the slower the in-game performance.
Tip42=Hold down Shift and middle mouse in a 2D viewport to use the measurement tool.
Tip43=In Actor Rotate Mode (selected in the left hand toolbar), hold down control and Right mouse to rotate the selected actor.
Tip44=If checked, the "Add New Actors" checkbox in the Group browser will add any newly placed objects to the currently selected group.
Tip45=Use the AcceptsCommandsFrom field in the door properties to prevent players from issuing commands for the team from inside very tight spaces like closets and small bathrooms.
Tip46=Hold down the 'L' key and left click to place a light.